Day 2 Driving to Moncton

We were all awake before the alarm clock this morning! Say Whatttt!! We had breakfast at the hotel and they had “pork cretens.” It came in a little plastic pot, kind of like a coffee

We were all awake before the alarm clock this morning! Say Whatttt!! We had breakfast at the hotel and they had “pork cretens.” It came in a little plastic pot, kind of like a coffee pod and it looked like it was to spread on toast. I couldn’t convince anyone to try it, so I kept the container as a gift for my dad. He would never read a blog so he won’t learn it was a freebie. 🙂

Our plan was to drive to Moncton, and Chris had picked out a few sights. The first was the largest waterfall in New Brunswick, Grand Falls. We went for a little hike around the falls and tried and failed to convince Chris to go zip lining above the falls. Bawk… bawk… baaawkk

We then went on a lovely little drive through some back roads to find a potato chip factory. Now, the chip factory may be right off the highway, but I think the little drive we did to nowhere was a nice little detour. Don’t let Chris tell you any different! After turning around and retracing our drive, we found it and saw the baking, seasoning and bagging process. We then got to season our own little bags.

Chris has a pretty big axe that my dad gave him, but it has nothing on this one!

We finished our first audio book just before Moncton. We listened to Artimus Foul. We highly recommend it!

I have heard a lot about Magnetic Hill, and thought it was just a hoax-ee tourist trap- but it was UNBELIEVABLE. We flew backwards up a hill. It was mind blowing.


We found a fantastic little fish and chip place for dinner and we ran into my parents! Ok ok, we made plans to meet. 🙂 They are heading home from their trip East and so we swapped storied and ate some awesome seafood. Ty and Max even tried clams for the first time- and they loved them! For dessert Ty had a deep fried Kit Kat, and Max had a deep fried Mars Bar. They were a little spun up afterwards, I wonder why??

An early evening swim and then off to bed!

Song of the Day- Old Man, by Neil Young. Max sang it to his grandpa.

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